Metamask® Chrome Extension®

MetaMask is an essential tool for anyone involved in the cryptocurrency space. Its easy installation, robust security, and seamless dApp integration make it a top choice for …

Here are the key steps to install the MetaMask extension in Google Chrome:

  1. Go to the official MetaMask website ( and click "Download" in the menu bar.

  2. Select "Chrome" as your browser and click "Install MetaMask for Chrome". This will take you to the Chrome Web Store.

  3. In the Chrome Web Store, click "Add to Chrome" to install the MetaMask extension. Make sure you are adding the official MetaMask extension with millions of downloads.

  4. Once installed, you will see the MetaMask icon in your Chrome toolbar. Click it to open the MetaMask interface and begin the setup process.

  5. Follow the prompts to create a new wallet or import an existing one using your seed phrase or private key. Set a strong password.

  6. Write down your 12-24 word Secret Recovery Phrase and store it securely. This allows you to recover your wallet if needed.

  7. Customize your MetaMask settings as desired, such as enabling advanced features or adjusting privacy options.

  8. You can now use MetaMask in Chrome to store Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens, interact with dApps, and manage your crypto transactions.

Always download MetaMask from the official website or Chrome Web Store to ensure you are getting the legitimate extension. Installing manually can be risky. With MetaMask set up in Chrome, you can easily access the world of decentralized applications built on Ethereum.

Last updated